Welcome to After Glow

Hello i’m Danielle owner of After Glow & your fully qualified placenta encapsulation specialist.
Having long been obsessed with all things birth & babies I began my journey into midwifery, this was soon cut short when I found out I was pregnant with my first child a beautiful baby boy I named Archer who is now Two.
Suffering from anxiety over the years I was extremely concerned I would develop bad postpartum depression after the birth of my son so this is when I began my research into all natural ways to relieve postpartum depression and anxiety when I came across placenta encapsulation.
This is where my obsession with all thing placenta began and this is when After Glow was born. Its been three amazing years of hard work, tears, sleep deprivation, product developing and building the most amazing business that I'm so proud of and continue to grow and develop.
I’m now mum to my second beautiful son Hunter who is 1 and im expecting baby boy no3 in December.
I absolutely love what I do, I don’t see this as a job I see this as a lifestyle. I adore being part of such a special time in a women's life and being part of my clients beautiful journey from pregnancy to motherhood, women truly are amazing.
I am fully qualified Placenta Encapsultion specialist and have been for over three years, Fully Insured, HACCP, Food Safety, Food Hygiene and Infection Control Trained and certificated.